Saturday, June 14, 2008

Final Push III

Tipple: 6 pack of Tooheys Old & s pack Coopers Sparkling
Soundtrack: Louis Prima, The Raconteurs: Consolers of the Lonely, Wagons: The Curse of Lightning, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds: Kicking Against The Pricks, David Bowie, Sidney Bechet.
Fumes: BBQ'd dinner.
Distractions: The Wire season 1, sporting injuries, invitations to the pub, food, rest, fish tank watching.

Just finalising last 3 pieces before a trip to the printer monday morning.

Hanging Sunday and Tuesday.


Jones said...

Jesus, Frase!

That's a BINGE and a HALF under brand new Federal Government guidelines on IMBIBING, don't you KNOW?


miss mardi nowak said...

Yeah, Frase is hardcore!

The Frase said...

I was switching between the 2 TYPES of beer. I didn't drink ALL 12! Had to share them!

UNLIKE you and your TWO bottles of vino, JONES!